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Self Worship

Self worship seems like an oxymoron that most Christians shun, but I’d like to build a case for self worship and hopefully open a brand new perspective.

The definition of worship is “reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as sacred.” (Ref:

Even after hearing this definition, we habitually limit worship to singing and giving outward praise, but the English origin of the word lends itself to something greater. Worship is worth-ship, meaning putting something in the office of its worth.

This is what we give God when we honor Him with our praise, prayer, respect, devotion, etc. We give Him what He’s worth. On a smaller scale, we demonstrate this when we pay our bills. We give our service provider (like electricity or cable) the amount of money that a service is worth. Worship ceases to be worship when we give too much or too little worth.

When we prescribe ourselves or another the worth that only God deserves, that becomes our idol. We place a value/worth on it that is false. When we treat ourselves above or below the station/purpose God has for us in this very moment, we are practicing idolatry and not worship.

Deeper still, when we choose to believe and follow Jesus, we are told through God’s Word we become an heir to the Father along with Jesus. We are adopted, irrevocably, into the Royal Family of The Most High. We become a part of the peculiar people set apart, carrying His Banner, affiliating with His Name. We are given the opportunity to have a very personal and very special relationship with God. We become set apart…consecrated…sacred.

What is God worth? In comparison and keeping in mind the position God has given each of us, what are we worth?

Don't ever let anyone make you feel bad about treating yourself according to the worth God has placed on you! Everything you do and take into your body through sight, sound, feeling, and consumption is a direct reflection of the worth you believe you have. Too much and it's idolatry, too little and it's theft.

What level of worth has God put on you? That is your true worth. Treating yourself according to that worth is self worship. The Bible is filled with instruction on how to view ourselves in relation to our Creator, our Savior, the Spirit, and others.

As you take this journey to become the “you” you were meant to be transparently/abundantly, don’t let anyone (including yourself) dissuade you from doing what it takes to grow and blossom. When you grow and blossom according to God’s design, everyone will benefit. Your worth is shared!

John 4:23 (NIV). Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.

Romans 8:15 (NIV). The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.”

Adrienne Pluss, A NEW ME Blog Contributor

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