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Blotting Out Mistakes

Last week I was completing a very important document. When I realized I messed up, I sighed really hard as I reached for my White Out. Now, everyone is familiar with White Out, (at least you should be:). It's this white thick liquid used to "correct" or permanently "blot out" the mistakes you have made with a non erasable ink pen.

As I started blotting out the wrong date, for the first time I really noticed how the White Out (though obviously white) didn't perfectly match the white paper I made the mistake on. Actually, the process was quite messy and down right ugly! I kept doing it anyway because I didn't have the time to reprint the document.

Then, it hit me! I thought about the mistakes we have made in our lives. We often reach for our "White Out" in an attempt to cover up, fix, or blot out our failures only to discover we have only created an even uglier mess. Many times those mistakes have sustainable consequences that perpetuate throughout our lives. It permanently sears our memories and no matter how much we try, we can't seem to shake off the horrific results of our failures. As I snapped out of deep thought, I looked down at the paper where I made the mistake and the White Out blot finally dried up. It didn't look as bad as when I first started to apply it, but you could definitely notice a mistake was made. This scripture immediately came to mind:

Isaiah 43: 25

“I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more."

God has promised to "blot out" your "transgressions" (or overstepping the bounds) for His own sake (because of Christ's sacrifice and promise to forgive) and will not remember your sins no more (completely eliminating the thought or memory of your mistakes without any mess or indications of failures; no trace of your mistakes are even found)."

Let me tell you something about my God...He will BLOT OUT your failures and mistakes "so good," that you would have to remind yourself of what you have been through. That's because God's love and forgiveness through Christ has THAT much power to restore your life. What was once a mistake or failure in your eyes becomes a testimony for the ears of others. Despite the consequences of your choices and sin, God can and WILL use that to bless others, lead them to hope, and draw them into the fold of believers in Christ. Simply put, your failures become your purpose. Isn't that alright? If you felt like you've made the biggest mistake in history, it's nothing that's too big that God can't "white out." That's because Christ's red blood is able to completely cover your sins without leaving behind any residue or mess. All it takes is your faith in Him. If you have failed miserably and believe you can't recover, remember that Christ has died for the very thing you have or continue to struggle with.

Romans 5:8 reads, "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

Christ has stretched His arms as far as the East is from the West when He died on the cross to assure you will never be able to find the end or catch up

to your own mistakes.

Psalm 103:12-14:

"...As far as the east is from the west,

so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

As a father has compassion on his children,

so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;

for he knows how we are formed,

he remembers that we are dust."

You read that right. If there's anything God remembers, it's that He made us from dust. It doesn't read He will remember your transgressions, well..because, He won't. So, no matter where you are in your broken life of multiple failures, if this has penetrated your heart and spirit, then God is speaking to you.

Turn over your "white out," a symbol of your own self-sufficient means to try to "blot out" or fix your situation and exchange it for Christ's "red blood," who is the ONLY One able to cleanse you from the inside/out and restore you to wholeness.

Allow God to blot out your mistakes, because when He does it, He does it well.

Embrace Forgiveness, Embrace Christ, Embrace Purpose.


Dr. Estrelita Bruce, Founder of A NEW ME: Transparently, Abundantly

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